Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Employee training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Employee training - Essay Example The company does not have to arrange for extra resources for training. Employees also get to learn practically while remaining on the job. This makes them more productive. They also tend to interact with other employees, which is effective for their development as employees. In off-the-job training, the employee is not trained at the workplace, but is given training elsewhere (Draga, 2011). There are many methods in this type of training, such as the employee takes a day release to get off the job to attend a seminar or a workshop at some other place. He may be encouraged to take evening classes or courses at a local college. He may also be told to take computer classes at some academy. This way, he is trained while he is not at the workplace. A major advantage is that the employee tends to learn a greater set of competencies and qualifications (Duggan, 2012). He may get a degree or a certificate which may be beneficial for him in future. He learns from various professionals. This way, he is more confident while returning to the workplace. Draga, R. (2011). Welcome to the Trainingcenter Butzweilerhof: Off-The-Job-Training. Retrieved November 25, 2012, from

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