Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Is Playing Video Games Beneficial - 971 Words

Almost everyone, everywhere has a hobby. While it is typical to find adults with the same hobbies they had during their childhood days there is also the likelihood that over time many adults would have switched hobbies. Reflecting on my life over the past three years made me realize that I’ve changed hobbies thrice due to relocation, accessibility and cost. Like me, many adults are now turning to video gaming as their preferred pastime, because of its distinctive features from other competing interests. With many hobbies to choose from to help combat stress, playing video games is a worthwhile hobby because, the player has the freedom to choose games based on personal values, it can be done indoors with or without company, it is inexpensive, and it keeps the body sufficiently active while guaranteeing fun. Today, for the video game hobbyist, there’ll be no disappointment when it comes to choosing games that reflect his/her personal values. Contrary to the beliefs of many people, not all video games promote violence, revenge and bloodshed. Some of the important values found in video gaming include, commitment, compassion, leadership, encouragement, intelligence, helpfulness and heroism. For example, the game, Walls of Jericho promotes leadership, intelligence, commitment, focus and heroism as the player strategically destroys Jericho’s walls to keep his followers following and happy. While a person could read a book or watch a movie about these values, it is not the sameShow MoreRelatedPlaying Video Games Is Beneficial To Children 1220 Words   |  5 Pagesare much more advanced regarding their choices of technology, relying on their smart phones, tablets, and game consoles to help them pass their free time. Todays youngest generation in particular, enjoys playing video g ames. Although parents may be concerned about the amount of time their children are spending on these video games, they should realize the numerous benefits to playing video games that have been identified, including increased problem solving skills and better grades, various healthRead MoreEssay Video Games Speech Outline728 Words   |  3 PagesPersuasive Speech Outline Matt King CMST 220 Video Game Speech 6-12-13 * Attention grabber/introduction - Slaying dragons, defending your planet from alien invasion, or bouncing on the heads of koopas and saving the same princess who gets caught every time? Sound Familiar? If you’re anything like me you have tried all of these. 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Inevitably, this brings into question the violent nature of some popular video games and their potentially dangerous and harmful impact on young children. â€Å"Video game addiction is without a doubt, becoming this century’s most increasingly worrisome epidemic comparable even to drug and alcohol abuse† (MAVAV). Many believe violent games are a main contributingRead MoreVideo Games Have A Negative Influence On Young People1600 Words   |  7 Pagessociety often depict video games to have a negative influence on young people. However, playing video games is more beneficial than people would think. Playing video games have many advantages, such as they help increase and develop cognitive functions, mental health, and more o ften than most they are educational. Gee, James Paul. What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. This book looks at the educational level of what video games have to teach us. GeeRead MoreBenefit Of Video Games Essay1204 Words   |  5 PagesVideo games have quickly become the new major source of entertainment for the youth and the upcoming adults of the world. The youth seem to be giving more of their free time to video games. However, they have always seemed to have a bad reputation with many people of all generations. People are starting to believe more and more that video games are nothing but trouble. They feel as if video games are a waste of time and the youth could be using the time they spend on video games on more productiveRead MoreVideo Games Have A Negative Influence On Young People1376 Words   |  6 Pagessociety often depicts video games to have a negative influence on young people. However, playing video games is more beneficial than people would think. Playing video games has many advantages, such as they help increase and develop cognitive functions, mental health, and more often than most they are educational. Gee, James Paul. What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. This book looks at the educational level of what video games have to teach us. GeeRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Our Lives1355 Words   |  6 Pagesnerves effecting your ability to see or exercise? Many people have differing opinions on this subject. I personally think that video games can greatly impact your lives in a positive manner, but they can also destroy your lives. Videogames altering your intelligence making you less sophisticated, or time consuming making people over weight? The advantage of playing video games can be proven in its ability to enhance learning, hand-eye coordination, and can help to reduce feelings of stress and angerRead MoreEffects of Video Games on Children and Teenagers Essay1251 Words   |  6 PagesEffects of Video Games on Children and Teenagers In recent years, technology has developed very rapidly. This has led to many arguably both positive and negative changes in our everyday lives. One such change was the increased accessibility of personal computers and gaming consoles as well as the introduction of numerous video games. Due to their entertainment value, these games gained popularity among children and teenagers. Although many concerns have been voiced related to playing video games, especiallyRead MorePlaying Video Games Help You With Decision Making1444 Words   |  6 Pagesyour life style? Playing video games also help you with decision making. With all the different genres of games and their different difficulties, and individual is challenged and is made to make haste decisions in game to survive or to solve a puzzle. Making an accurate and hasty decision while paying games will influence your decision making in real life. When you are faced with a problem you think of many different solutions faster than a non-g amer will. By playing video game you can improve yourself

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