Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on The Decline

Introduction NOFX starts out their song, â€Å"The Decline†, with a good, well-thought out, intelligent question: Where are all the stupid people from? Only to be followed by: How did they get to be so dumb? Upon first sight of this song, one might jump to the conclusion that NOFX isn’t an intelligent musical group. But it is NOFX’s pure disgust and hate for our government that makes them a fun and an interesting listen. â€Å"The Decline† is just what the title implies, the song chronicles events and actions of our government which lead to cause and effect relationships, these effects eventually lead to a â€Å"decline† of Western Civilization. This brilliant eighteen-minute masterpiece is unlike any song ever performed or recorded. Its sheer length along with its brutally honest and sarcastic tone leaves you listening for the full eighteen minutes. Not to mention NOFX’s highly diverse and complicated collection of guitar chords that keep the listener enthralled in its intense criticism of our government and the mess they created. NOFX pronounced â€Å"No Effects† is the first punk rock band that I ever had the privilege to listen to. I first received one of their CD’s, after requesting it on my Christmas gift list in 1996. The album entitled â€Å" White Trash T... Free Essays on The Decline Free Essays on The Decline Introduction NOFX starts out their song, â€Å"The Decline†, with a good, well-thought out, intelligent question: Where are all the stupid people from? Only to be followed by: How did they get to be so dumb? Upon first sight of this song, one might jump to the conclusion that NOFX isn’t an intelligent musical group. But it is NOFX’s pure disgust and hate for our government that makes them a fun and an interesting listen. â€Å"The Decline† is just what the title implies, the song chronicles events and actions of our government which lead to cause and effect relationships, these effects eventually lead to a â€Å"decline† of Western Civilization. This brilliant eighteen-minute masterpiece is unlike any song ever performed or recorded. Its sheer length along with its brutally honest and sarcastic tone leaves you listening for the full eighteen minutes. Not to mention NOFX’s highly diverse and complicated collection of guitar chords that keep the listener enthralled in its intense criticism of our government and the mess they created. NOFX pronounced â€Å"No Effects† is the first punk rock band that I ever had the privilege to listen to. I first received one of their CD’s, after requesting it on my Christmas gift list in 1996. The album entitled â€Å" White Trash T...

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