Sunday, November 3, 2019

Week 5 refrace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Week 5 refrace - Essay Example In an organization, especially an account’s practice such as mine, leaders and disciples often trade places several times a day. In some cases, such an arrangement is referred to as distributed leadership. Across the board, the traits of authenticity, coupled with the dispositions of integrity and fidelity that vary between individuals, form the basic principles in the pursuit of conceptualizing good in my organization (this conclusion was drawn after rigorous action research (AR) that took form of interviews of members in informal settings conducted during the course of my dissertation module). Ben-Yoav, Hollander, and Carnevale (1983) discussed argumentatively the difference authenticity makes to a movement initiated by a member who aims to promulgate relationship building between members or project an action within the member community of the organization. The followers, in order to assist with the protagonist’s motion, must witness for themselves the goodness of his intent in order to be willing to follow and subsequently play their role as supporters when the situation leads to that. The focus of my paper is to assess the legitimacy of this statement. The aim is to highlight the ethical frameworks which develop into principles which help direct the participants to collaborate amongst themselves, as opposed to defining the ‘inside’ groups and the outside collaborators which proved deceptively hard to completely define. Thus, the underlying qualities of a leader were assessed in light of ethical and moral justness. In order to achieve this, the focus has been primarily placed on the communicative bridge called leader authenticity, a concept that dictates the flow of conscience amongst members which then enables them to follow their leader’s word (widely believed by the majority to be the best way to incite support and action with the prevailing cultural norms, subject to unforeseen changes). This notion translates to the fol lowing understanding,

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